Our videos in German & English – Webinars, Tutorials, Newsletter, Tama Group eCognition Userconferences, Live Recordings and Interviews


Our webinars in alphabetical order.

Einzelbaumdetektion Landeshauptstadt München auf Befliegungsdaten 2021 (DE/08)

At the Tama Group eCognition User Conference 2024, Johannes Weber | Landeshauptstadt München, will give an overview of the use of eCognition for individual tree detection in Munich. Based on the 2021 aerial survey data, two fully automated methods were used to automatically derive information about the state of the vegetation in Munich. Johannes Weber briefly introduces the methods and explains the results of the quality check.

eCognition 10.4 – Tipps & Tricks (DE 2024/06)

Fritjof Lüthje, Senior Ruleware Developer at Tama Group, will be sharing his expertise in a live workshop on eCognition 10.4.
– Visualization of regions
– Full Python integration
– Object-based cluster analysis
– Segmentation preview
– Text recognition
Fritjof Lüthje also gives a brief outline of the sensor view of MobileMapping point clouds. However, you can expect more details in the next video, which will focus specifically on this topic.

Vom Einzelbild zum Großen Ganzen – Mobile Mapping mit eCognition 10.4 (DE 2024/06)

After a short introduction into the systematics of mobile mapping, Michael Voltersen | Senior Ruleware Developer Tama Group will give tips and tricks for the optimal use of eCognition 10.4 in the analysis of mobile mapping data.
This includes
Extraction of lane markings
Point cloud refinement using RGB and point cloud fusion
Linking CNNs and mobile mapping data to derive land cover/land use

Umweltfernerkung – Wasser mit eCognition 10.3 (DE 2023/05)

Fritjof Lüthje shows on four practical examples how remote sensing with eCognition 10.3 can be used for applications and analyzes around bodies of water.

Methodenvergleich in eCognition 10.3 – Vegetationsanalyse mittels Drohnen- und Satellitendaten (DE 2023/02)

Michael Voltersen extracts possibilities of OBIA, CNN an Python in eCogntion 10.3. Using practical examples he provides Tips & Tricks for using this potential for the environmental topic ‘Vegetation Anaysis’.

eCognition 10.2 – Das ist neu (Deutsch 2022/01)

Michael Voltersen und Fritjof Lüthje offer insights and Tips & Tricks on new features of eCognition 10.2

Ruleset Expertise (Deutsch 2021/12)

Fritjof Lüthje (Senior Ruleware Developer Tama Group) providesTips & Tricks on advanced Ruleset Development.

Customized Algorithms (Deutsch 2021/12)

Fritjof Lüthje (Senior Ruleware Developer Tama Group) provides Tips & Tricks on working with customized algorithms.

eCognition 10.1 – Das ist neu (Deutsch 2021/06)

Fritjof Lüthje (Senior Ruleware Developer Tama Group) offers insights and Tips & Tricks for new features of eCognition 10.1.

eCognition 10.0 – Das ist neu (Deutsch 2020/12)

Fritjof Lüthje (Senior Ruleware Developer Tama Group) introduces to the highlights of eCognition 10.0 and provides Tips & Tricks for the version launched in November 2020.

Broad Scale Automated Mapping of Shallow Benthic Habitats in the Caribbean using Planet Dove Imagery (English 2020/05)

Dr. Steve Schill from The Nature Conservancy and Fritjof Lüthje from Tama Group present their joint project leveraging Trimble eCognition analytics using Planet Dove satellite data.

Customization in eCognition (Deutsch 2020/4)

Fritjof Lüthe, Senior Ruleware Developer Tama Group, provides Tips & Tricks, to customize eCognition for your own requirements.

KI in eCognition (Deutsch 2019/12)

Michael Voltersen, SeniorRuleware Developer Tama Group, offers practical Tips and Tricks, on how to take best use of the deep learning algorithm of the implemented Convolutional Neural Networks.

Punktwolkenanalyse (Deutsch 2018/05)

Using practical examples this webinar shows various possibilities how to use 3D Pointcloud Analyses in eCognition.

eCognition 9.3 – Das ist neu (Deutsch 2017/12)

December 2017 Tama Group offered deeper insights into new features of eCognition 9.3 .

Tama Core Process – Webinars

Five steps to sucess: Tama core process describes the basic workflow of image analysis with eCognition.

Step (1) Import in eCognition (DE 2018/01)

Using examples we show the import options of data with eCognition. Our Tips & Tricks help to simplify the process further.

Step (2) Layer (DE 2017/12)

We use examples to show how layers are generated to increase the informational content for the following analysis.

Step (3) Segmentation (DE 2018/02)

Using eight different kinds of segmentation we provide an overview of segmentation-algorithms and show which form of segmentation is employed most effectively for different applications.

Step (4) Classification (DE 2018/03)

How to use the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in eCognition to find the most effective form of classification depending on data and objecitve.

Step (5) Export (DE 2018/04)

We show different possibilities of saving the results in various formats automatically or manually formats depending on objecitves.


Tama Group eCognition Tutorials

Our Tutorials for eCognition licensing (DE 2020/09)

Setting up and deinstallation of a licensing server (DE 2020/09)

Activation, return and deactivation (DE 2020/09)

Activation, return and deactivation of eCognition licenses.

License borrowing (DE 2020/05)

How to activate license borrowing on your local computer.

Developer & Server (DE 2020/10)

Basic steps for using Developer & Server.

FAQs (DE 2020/12)

This final video on our Tutorials for eCogntion licensing answers FAQs on eCognition licensing.


We published Volume 7 of our newsletter in video format (September 2020). Now you can watch on video the latest news of Tama Group , attractive interviews, interesting new developments in remote sensing as well as clues about the potential of eCognition and practical Tips & Tricks of our ‘Rulewareforge’.

Our Posts

Editorial (DE 2020/09)

Tama Group Newsletter Vol 07: Interview mit Jonas Franke, Geschäftsführer RSS GmbH (DE 2020/09)

Fünf Tutorials mit ‘online Gebrauchsanweisungen’ zu eCognition

1 Introduction (DE)

2 Setting up & deinstallation (DE)

3 License borrowing (DE)

4 Developer & Server (DE)

5 FAQs

Tips & Tricks from our Rulewareforge (DE)

Tama Group eCognition Userconferences


Have a look at the videos of our Tama Group eCognition Userconference “eCognition – Up in die Coud” , July 2022

Khrystyna Bezborodova -Trimble: ‘eCogntion in The Cloud – Setup and Use Cases’ (English)
Christian Briese – EODC: ‘EODC – Eine maßgeschneiderte IT-Infrastruktur für Fernerkundungsaufgaben’
Peter Hofmann – Technology Campus Freyung: ‘Disaster Management am Beispiel von Hurrikan Maria im Karibik Staat Dominica – Object-Based Change Detetection with Interlinked Image Objects’
Elisa Kallisch – HTW Dresden: ‘Urbane Anwendung in Jena’
Fritjof Lüthje – Tama Group: ”Methodische Herausforderungen in der Karibik-Analyse – Beispiele und Lösungen aus zwei großflächigen Projekten’
Steve Schill – TNC: ‘Mapping Coral Reefs and Mangroves for Conversation Actions’ (English)
Gideon Tetteh – Thünen Institut: : ‘Optimal delineation of agricultural parcels from satellite imagery using the multiresolution segmentation algorithm’ (English)
Michael Voltersen – Tama Group: ‘OBIA und Neuronale Netze – Möglichkeiten und Beispiele in eCognition’
Mike Wang – Trimble: ‘Welcone to eCognition 10.2 – Bigger, Better, Bolder’ (English)

eCognition in The Cloud – Setup and Use Cases; Khrystyna Bezborodova -Trimble (EN 2022/07)

Khrystina Bezborodova, Trimble, provides an insight into Set Up and Use Cases for eCognition in the Cloud. (English)

EODC – Eine maßgeschneiderte IT-Infrastruktur für Fernerkundungsaufgaben, Christian Briese – EODC (DE 2022/07)

Christian Briese, EODC – Earth Oberservation Data Centre Vienna – provides a glance behind the scenes of the EODC, provides information about current activities and offers an outlook on further planning. (German)

Disaster Management am Beispiel von Hurrikan Maria im Karibik Staat Dominica – Object-Based Change Detetection with Interlinked Image Objects, Peter Hofmann – Technology Campus Freyung, TH Deggendorf (DE 2022/07)

Peter Hofmann, Technology Campus, Freyung, uses a study on disaster management after hurrican Maria in Dominica for showing the potential of object-based change detection with interlinked image objects in eCognition. (German with English slides)

Urbane Anwendung in Jena – Elisa Kallisch – HTW Dresden (DE 2022/07)

Elisa Kallisch, University of Applied Sciences, Dresden, presents an urban application in Jena. (German)

Methodische Herausforderungen in der Karibik-Analyse – Beispiele und Lösungen aus zwei großflächigen Projekten, Fritjof Lüthje – Tama Group (DE 2022/07)

Fritjof Lüthje, Tama Group, offers practical tips on meeting challenges in large-scale projects. (German)

Mapping Coral Reefs and Mangroves for Conversation Actions, Steve Schill – TNC (EN 2022/07)

Steve Schill, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), explains the importance of Mapping Coral Reefs and Mangroves for Conversation Actions. (English)

Optimal delineation of agricultural parcels from satellite imagery using the multiresolution segmentation algorithm, Gideon Tetteh – Thünen Institut (EN 2022/07)

Gideon Tetteh, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, outlines his approach for generating a map with optimal delineation of agricutltural parcels from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2data. (English)

OBIA und Neuronale Netze – Möglichkeiten und Beispiele in eCognition, Michael Voltersen – Tama Group (DE 2022/07)

Michael Voltersen, Tama Group, offers practical tips on creating a methodology for cloud extraction in eCognition. He provides insights into creating, training and using of various CNNs as well as using OBIA + manual adjustments for generation of ground truth data. (German)

Welcome to eCognition 10.2 – Bigger, Better , Bolder; Mike Wang – Trimble (EN 2022/07)

Mike Wang, Trimble, outlines eCognition and the Highlights of eCognition 10.2. such as

  • Automatic Point Cloud Classification
  • Instance Segmentation
  • Accuracy Assessment



Tama Group eCognition User Conference 2020

  • Ronald Meyer (Ministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz, Saarland) & Frtijof Lüthje (Tama Group):  RGB & LiDAR – zur Kontrolle von Subventionsflächen sowie zur Detektion von kritischem Unterwuchs am Beispiel einer Testfläche im Saarland (DE 2020/09)
  • Godela Roßner /DLR: Copernicus – Datentreiber fürGeoservices  (DE 2020/09)

Copernicus – Datentreiber für Geoservices (DE 2020/09)

On Tama Group eCognition Userconference 2020 Godela Roßner (DLR) offers insights into the opportunities of Copercius as driver for geoservices

Automatisierte Auswertung von Drohnendaten – RGB & LiDAR – zur Kontrolle von Subventionsflächen sowie zur Detektion von kritischem Unterwuchs am Beispiel einer Testfläche im Saarland (DE 2020/09)

Live Recordings

  • Münchner GI-Runde 2020, Ralph Humberg (CEO Tama Group): Systematische Einbindung von Copernicus Daten-Analysen in Geo-Datensysteme (DE 2020/05)
  • M-AI Summit, Ralph Humberg (CEO Tama Group): Tama’s AI Avengers (EN 2018/05)

Systematische Einbindung von Copernicus Daten-Analysen in Geo-Datensysteme, Münchner GI-Runde 2020 (DE 2020/05)

Copernicus data provide a wide range of opportunities for remote sensing. At the Müncher GI-Runde 2020 Ralph Humberg (CEO Tama Group) shows some issues you have to think of while systematcly involving Copernicus data analyses in geodata systems.

Tama’s AI Avengers, M-AI Summit 2018 (EN 2018/06)

Why choose between expert knowledge, machine learning and deep learning. As long as you have a proper fusion platform available, you can have all three team-up for you, each working their strengths in concert. Listen to Ralph Humberg on M-AI Summit 2018.


Interview with Ralph Humberg, M-AI Summit 2018 (EN 2018/05)

Steffen Konrath from Liquid Newsroom interviewing Ralph Humberg from Tama Group after M AI Summit 2018.

IASEXPO Innovation Forum Podium Data Safety for Drone Operations, Intergeo 2017 (DE 2017/09)

On IASEXPO Innovation Forum at Intergeo 2017 Ralph Humberg (Tama Group), Marc Bachmann (Bitkom) and Oren Elkayam (Mobilicom) discussed “Data Safety for Drone Operations”. The three-minute cut summarizes the topic of the discussion and the statements of the participants.